SBOM Posts
- 2024-04-29 Tarballs are Both Reproducible and Non-Reproducible!
- 2023-11-12 On the Importance of Tracking Software Dependencies
- 2022-02-03 GCP Buildpacks Old Compiler Injection Write-Up [Fixed]
- 2022-01-10 Buildpacks and SBOM Integration Opportunities
- 2021-12-19 What is VEX? It's the Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange!
- 2021-12-16 SBOM-A-Rama (2021) Day 2 Write Up
- 2021-12-16 SBOM-A-Rama (2021) Day 1 Write Up
- 2021-11-14 Analysis of a spdx-sbom-generator generated SBOM
- 2021-11-14 Creating an SBOM for a golang app using spdx-sbom-generator
- 2021-11-13 Analysis of a cyclonedx-gomod generated SBOM
- 2021-11-11 Creating an SBOM for a golang app using cyclonedx-gomod
- 2021-10-14 Creating a Software Supply Chain Landscape